
Kybella Treatment

Dermatologist, Medical Office, Medical Clinic, Medical Center

Phone Number(646) 6688112


08:00AM - 05:00PM
09:00AM - 05:00PM
09:00AM - 07:00PM
09:00AM - 07:00PM
09:00AM - 07:00PM
08:00AM - 05:00PM
09:00AM - 05:00PM
Address2960 Ocean ave, 2nd floor, Brooklyn, 11235, NY , US
2960 Ocean ave, 2nd floor


Did you know that over 65 percent of people are bothered by the fat that is present underneath their chins? It is true and Kybella in Brooklyn may be the answer for you. Kybella is an FDA approved injection that works to destroy any fat cells that appear underneath the chin. The results will improve the look of your profile and provide you with the boost in self confidence that you need. Many patients seek out this treatment because they do not like the appearance of a double chin and want to have it removed.

Patients who do not want to have the fat removed surgically will find that Kybella is a wonderful alternative. Unfortunately, exercise and healthy eating alone may not remove the excess fat and that is where a Kybella treatment in Brooklyn can help. Call the experts at Kleydman Dermatology today to go over your options or to schedule a consultation.

Kybella contains an active ingredient which is called synthetic deoxycholic acid – it’s a molecule that occurs naturally within the body. This is responsible for the absorption as well as the breakdown of all dietary fat. Once Kybella has been injected into the chin, it will immediately go to work to destroy the fat cells that exist. The result is a chin that is not as full. Once the fat cells are destroyed, you do not have to worry about them returning as those cells cannot hold onto fat anymore.

The number of treatments you need to receive will depend on how well you respond to the treatment and what your desired results are. Typically, treatment is spaced out at least one month in between each session and most patients are satisfied with their results somewhere between one and six treatments.

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